All features of the Enginsight solution at a glance. Enginsight is available as a standalone on-premises instance, SaaS Pro - Security and Monitoring unlimited or SaaS Small Business.
Prices and usage options at a glance
Server license per month
from 9,90€
from 29,99€
on demand
Client license per month
from 2,80€
from 4,99€
on demand
Website/Webapp license per month
from 9,90€
from 9,99€
on demand
Penetration test license per month and customer
from 139,64€
from 139,64€
on demand
Addon G DATA EDR per month and server/client
from 1,66€
from 1,66€
on demand
Platform functions
Cross Platform Compatibility
(Windows, Linux, MacOS)
Switch alerts to deviations and safety events
Alert notification via email, SMS, Slack, Mattermost, Microsoft Teams
Group assets with tags
Unlimited number of team members
Role concept incl. user-defined roles
Logging of user activities
Subordinate clients
Single Sign On (SSO)
SIEM - Security Information and Event Management
Log Collection - IT-Assets, Applications and Cloud
Log Analyse und Event Correlation
Log Forensics
Log Retention
Daten Normalisierung
SIEM Workflows
Hersteller Vorlagen
Managed Event-Streams
Individual Extractors
Vulnerability Management
CVE Dashboard (Cockpit)
BSI warning about found CVEs
CVE Database
CVE recommendations for countermeasures
CVE Whitebox Scan and Monitoring
CVE Greybox Network Scan
CVE Blackbox Network Scan
CVE Website Scan and Monitoring
CVE alerting by criticality
Manage and automate updates
Configuration Management
Intrusion Detection und Prevention (IDS/IPS)
Host based attack detection (IDS) detection
Host based blocking of attacks (IPS) response
Logging of all attacks and classification by severity
Live visualization of attacks
Definition of detection levels according to protection needs
Definition of blocking levels according to protection needs
Define whitelists
Software defined groupings of IT assets
Management of East-West data traffic according to the Zero Trust principle
Isolation of devices and device groups
Implementation of use case-specific IT security guidelines
File Integrity Monitoring
Monitoring access to files and directories
Logging of all accesses
Alerting after unauthorized access
Provision of managed rules
Definition of individual sets of rules
Automated penetration testing
Network segment scan
Scan of single IP-addresses
Scan of Websites
Information Gathering (Footprinting of the target systems)
CVE-Scan Blackbox / Greybox
Service Bruteforce (Check for insecure credentials)
Service Discovery (Specific checks of services for misconfigurations)
Clear evaluation of audits
Automated recurring scans
Send PDF-reports by e-mail
Store own password list
Extend vectors with custom scripts
Define asset inventory, IP addresses or endpoints as target systems
Website monitoring
TLS validation according to BSI TR-03116-4
HTTP-Header Security Check
Footprinting of the application environment
IT monitoring (with agent)
Availability monitoring: CPU, RAM, SWAP, network, hard disks
Monitoring of any data
Monitor metrics with machine learning
Monitor installed software
Monitor Autostarts
Monitor services
Monitor ports
Monitor processes
System log monitoring
IT monitoring (without agent)
IT inventory
Permanent monitoring of the network according to its participants
Complete network inventory
Interactive asset map
Agent based inventory
Last updated
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